Andy Core

SUCCESS Magazine Editors Rate Change Your Day, Not Your Life 5 Stars (Highest Rating)

Andy’s book entitled Change Your Day, Not Your Life was featured on Success’s Magazine’s Book Summary website. The editors did a fantastic job of getting to the Core of the book.  To find out more information on the review or success magazine please visit the following sites. and BOOK REVIEW BY THE EDITORS OF SUCCESS MAGAZINE  Change Your Day, […]

Life Balance Research: eReaders & Sleep Quality (Plus 3 Tips to Sleep Deeper)

New research (from the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Division of Sleep Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, and the Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Cologne, Germany) shows that eReaders (Kindle, Nook, Ipad…) with an internal light significantly impair your ability to fall asleep, sleep well and make you feel more tired in the morning. citation:  Evening […]

Control Your Focus = Better Productivity & Less Stress

As a “motivational speaker” on stress management and productivity, I Keynote lots of association events where psychologists, therapists, counselors and other mental health professionals are in attendance. The more I researched and chatted with those mental health professionals, the more I started to see a pattern in how they helped those who are feeling stressed […]

Team Success Under Stress

At some point in time, we all find ourselves either working on a team or leading a team. Team success and team unity are constant water-cooler topics. Team leadership and dynamics are perennial workshop titles for conferences. After studying 30-50 organizations a year for more than a decade, I’ve noticed an intriguing yet commonly overlooked […]

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