Category: Uncategorized

Surprising New Data on the Future of Work

Surprising New Data on the Future of Work

What Does the Future of Work Look Like? The World Economic Forum (WEF) has provided a compelling glimpse in their 2025 Jobs Report. This highly anticipated report outlines what employers consider the most critical skills for workforce success now through 2030. While analytical thinking leads the pack, what’s truly noteworthy is that Resilience, Flexibility, and […]

What is Really Slowing Your Progress? New Research on Goal Accomplishment (N=3

[New Video] Analyzing What Stops Professionals From Reaching Their Goals   “Under deadline, what is stopping you from reaching your goals?” That is the most important question I ask my audiences. This question is important for a number of reasons, but foremost is that if you get frustrated or start to lose motivation and don’t […]

The Future of Work in an AI Fueled Workplace? It’s Soft Skills.

What is The Future of Work in an AI Fueled Workplace? It’s Soft Skills. Reading about VR in corporate training and came across a fantastic take on how AI will force professionals to adapt. “As artificial intelligence becomes more capable of completing ‘hard skills’ tasks, employers increasingly will need workers with strong, soft skills that […]

Work-Life Balance Programs Reduce Burnout-Related Turnover

When people feel overloaded, they are vulnerable to cognitive distortions in how they view their leaders, organization, themselves, and loved ones.  Some frown on the phrase “Work-Life Balance,” but it is hard to argue that it clearly shows that the organization is trying and cares about you personally as well as professionally. As a leader, […]

Resolve Conflict at Work (and in Your Personal Life)

Reduce Employee Stress & Conflict Top Employee Stress = Unclear expectations When managing change, most business related interpersonal conflicts stem from flawed assumptions or a lack of agreement on the purpose or goal of a team, project, or individual effort. To rise above emotional responses, follow these steps: Change Management & Conceptual Agreement

Venting at Work: How to blow off steam without burning out

  Does venting at work increase or decrease stress? Burnout? Productivity? Today we’re going to talk about how you can blow off steam a work without getting burned out. In today’s workplace, there’s a lot of work. Big goals, deadlines, change, and a lot of people. And when you’re in that environment you can get […]

7 Questions to Thrive under High Demand Bookmark

7 Questions to Thrive under High Demand bookmark To thrive under high demand, you need loads of positive energy and mindsets that make you resilient under stress. This brand new bookmark gives you seven evidence-based questions that you can ask yourself (and others) to significantly boost motivation, energy, and resiliency. It is copyrighted, but you […]

Infographic on Increasing Energy and Productivity at Work

The Surprising Truth About What Energizes Us From Andy Core’s upcoming book, Change Your Day, Not Your Life, comes a new infographic that shatters many common myths about what actually energizes you at work.     What actually energizes you?  More caffeine?  Go for a walk?  Get a snack?  Switch tasks?  A study from Portland State University […]

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